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I would like to thank the whole Audified crew so much again for all the hard work and support for my ideas. Thank you!
After the very successful ToneSpot Bass, Acoustic and Drum plugins, I'm back with the newborn to the ToneSpot family. This time it's all about the electric guitars.
Let me introduce this newborn of the ToneSpot family.

Short story:
ToneSpot Electric Pro is an insane tone hunting tool. It's incredibly flexible but perfectly tailored for the fast and intuitive work at the same time. For some genres you really need that monstrous amount of processing power & flexibility while for other ones you just need some broad shaping and a cup of saturation. ToneSpot Electric Pro is ready for all situations. You can get your dream tone no matter what amp, cabinet, stomp box, microphone, preamp or amp sim plugin you are using if the ToneSpot Electric Pro is in the next plug-in insert in your chain.
Long story:
You need that outstanding electric guitar tone you are hearing on your favorite album. So you bought an awesome instrument and a fantastic amp. Maybe you have also bought some beautiful stomp boxes, expensive rack units and phenomenal microphones. Or you rather use some amp simulation plugins. But what? Your dream-tone is not there when recorded and mixed with the rest of the band? You are endlessly tweaking and tweaking your sound, you tried everything. No success.
Electric guitars can take a lot of processing. It’s because guitars can get a lot of attention in the music and for some genres are really crucial. So it´s very important to get the guitar sound just right. Guitars can fight with several layers of instruments clashing into each other. Or the recordings are sounding too sterile, thin or harsh. On the opposite side, recorded guitars can sound too dark and muddy. So you need the tone that can cut through. The guitar tone has to be punchy and fat sounding, but it also needs to have a lot of clarity and tightness at the same time. But it’s not all! Even if the guitars are heavily processed, sometimes they still also have to be very natural sounding at some point.
And that's why you need ToneSpot.
Let's talk engineering for a while, shall we?
When a professional audio engineer is building that awesome tone in the studio, he is often running it through some heavy lifting. Blending several re-amping chains with massive filtering, compression, equalization, saturation or even some multiband processing and maybe some other crazy stuff. And it is no secret that the top engineers often run the signal through their chains twice or three times in series until both the engineer and the artist are 100% satisfied with the result. So there is a lot of stuff to do when building a perfect electric guitar tone.
There are very few products tailored for electric guitar instruments post-processing, but most today’s engineers use very similar workflow.
What matters? Music or sound?
Great musical ideas need a great sound. Music industry changed over years. The quality of sound and sound aesthetics often determine the success of the music. It’s not enough to write good music anymore. You need breathtaking sound to get attention.
If you have an inspiring sound, you write and play better music.
You have the ideas, we have the tool, so…
Lets get inspired by the sound!
Product Highlights:
- Best mixing tricks for electric guitar processing
- Monstrous processing power and flexibility
- Musically labeled controls
- Settings based on the analysis of thousands of world-class records
- Time-saver: No need to use many plugins
- Intelligent gain staging
- Full stereo processing
- Global Dry-Mix feature

What Is Included:
The ToneSpot Electric Pro contains 8 powerful modules:
Detailed controls description:
AGC is an automatic gain control feature that automatically and constantly sets the level of the signal to the plug-in’s 0 dBVU. Both Input and Output level knobs have their own AGC buttons.
Craft your raw guitar tone with some of the legendary EQ shapes used by guitarists and audio engineers for decades.
Voicing module is a set of extremely powerful EQ filters grouped into 6 intuitively and musically labeled radio buttons.
Voicing types:
Classic is a gentle curve that makes the tone more clear and present. Is perfect for classic rock tones.
Heavy is more aggressive curve, attenuates lower and higher midrange frequencies to deliver clear, heavy tone, while still sounding relatively natural. Is perfect for vintage metal rhythm tones.
Choco is like a day and night with the Heavy curve, is full of core-mids for adding fat body. If you are looking for a lead tones sweet like chocolate or if your raw guitar tone is sounding thin, Choco is your best friend.
Hyper is based on the Heavy curve but is sounding more hyped and modern. Is dedicated for super-modern metal tones.
Sing is similar to Choco curve but is even more pronounced in core-mids. Is perfect for velvety singing lead tones.
V is a well-known scoopy curve originally used on legendary vintage guitar amps, but is still used nowadays as an essential shaping tool on modern amps as well as in the pedalboards as a stomp box pedal. True modern classic.
Let’s change the character of your tone so you can get some exciting new colors with 1 click.
Character is an incredible set of EQ filters grouped into some intuitively and musically labeled controls. Feel free to combine 3 basic character types with 3 additional very powerful character buttons.
Character parameters:
Character Type is a 3-way switch with Natural, Vintage and Modern EQ curves. Natural type is simply the flat EQ while Vintage and Modern types have some broader EQ curves but the effectivity of those curves is very good and tone changes are easily audible. So “less is more” kinda approach was applied here.
Bright button activates a set of EQ filters that makes your tone brighter but not harsh. If your tone lacks some sweet brilliance, this button is your best friend.
Scoop button activates very deep cut of lower-midrange frequencies, helps to make the tone more 3-dimensional and less woody. Scoop button is so powerful that it can transform the woody character of the instrument into the modern monster or can very effectively cut a lot of mud in the tone.
Lo-Fi button activates low-cut and high-cut filters to slightly cultivate your tone so it’s frequency range doesn’t clash with other instruments too much.
Add the valve saturation to your tone so it gets some grit and fullness.
ToneSpot Electric Pro has an advanced model of real valve saturation circuit which has almost flat response with only light high frequencies roll off and nice higher harmonics punch.
Saturation parameters:
Clip indicator lights up when the signal incoming to the saturation circuit is too hot and the signal is hard-clipped
Gain knob adjusts the amount of saturation. The higher saturation levels add harmonics to the incoming signal
Boost button increases the signal level right before the saturation circuit to get even stronger saturation
Mix knob controls the overall blend of saturated and unsaturated signal. 100 % mix means that 100 % of the signal is going through saturation circuit.
Shape your tone with 8-band musically labeled EQ.
For the better flexibility there are frequency switches to perfectly match all your shaping needs. The Q factor of the peak filters is set quite low so the shaping tasks are musical enough, but not super-broad so the filters are not clashing.
Shaping controls:
Low-cut knob adjusts the critical frequency of a 2nd order HPF filter ranging from 20 Hz to 250 Hz.
Boom knob adjusts a peak filter with 2 selectable critical frequencies (120 Hz or 140 Hz) thanks to the frequency switch below the knob. The range of the knob is from -9 dB to + 9 dB.
Body knob adjusts a peak filter with 2 selectable critical frequencies (300 Hz or 400 Hz) thanks to the frequency switch below the knob. The range of the knob is from -9 dB to + 9 dB.
Paper knob adjusts a peak filter with 2 selectable critical frequencies (600 Hz or 800 Hz) thanks to the frequency switch below the knob. The range of the knob is from -9 dB to + 9 dB.
Wood knob adjusts a peak filter with 2 selectable critical frequencies (1k Hz Hz or 1.5k Hz) thanks to the frequency switch below the knob. The range of the knob is from -9 dB to + 9 dB.
Steel knob adjusts a peak filter with 2 selectable critical frequencies (3k Hz or 4k Hz) thanks to the frequency switch below the knob. The range of the knob is from -9 dB to + 9 dB.
Air knob adjusts a 2nd order high shelf filter with 2 selectable critical frequencies (6k Hz or 8k Hz) thanks to the frequency switch below the knob. The range of the knob is from -9 dB to + 9 dB.
High-Cut knob adjusts the critical frequency of a 2nd order LPF filter ranging from 2k4 Hz to 20k Hz.
Do you want to have your tone more dynamically controlled but not completely dead?
This is what you are looking for.
For the better flexibility there is compression release switch.
Smash is a peak-eating levelling compressor with faster attack time and gentle compression ratio so it can take the dynamics of your tone under control. But it’s not all. Smash compressor also adds some mild distortion to add some extra color or grit to your tone. Smash is perfect for making your clean or crunch tones more alive or even pumping if desired. Mix knob is super-useful when compressing electric guitars.
Smash controls:
Comp knob adjusts compression threshold (the range of threshold is from -50 dB to 0 dB).
Fast/Slow switch switches between 2 compression release times (Fast = 30 ms, Slow = 150 ms).
Make-up knob compensates the volume loss when applying compression (the range is from -12 dB to +12 dB).
Mix knob is a blend between compressed and uncompressed signal. 100 % mix means that 100 % of the signal is going through compressor.
Sometimes you need to go really deep with some surgical EQ, right?
-50 dB attenuation?
No problem.
Surgery is an extreme surgical peak EQ with 2 identical filters. The Q factor of the filters is high and can be switched to even higher Q setting by Hi Q button. The range of both frequency and gain controls is monstrous, so you can go really narrow, deep and solve any problem in the full spectrum.
Surgery controls:
Frequency knob adjusts the critical frequency of the filter ranging from 20 Hz to 20k Hz. Since the range is very wide, feel free to use the numerical input by clicking in the knob’s tooltip and simply enter the desired frequency value.
Hi Q button activates Hi Q mode of the filter (Q = 10).
Gain knob adjusts the gain of the filter. The range of the filter is from -50 dB to +20 dB so the
dB mark is not at noon position.
Need some fun?
Try to add Tremolo, Modulation, Delay, Reverb, or all of them.
ToneSpot Electric Pro has 6 effects suitable for electric guitar processing. The effects are sorted into 4 groups - Tremolo, Modulation, Delay and Reverb. Modulation group has 3 effects - Chorus, Flanger and Phaser.
Effects controls:
Tremolo type switch is a 3-way switch with Sinusoidal, Triangular and Rectangular modes.
Tremolo Intensity knob determines how much of the processed signal is added into the original signal.
Tremolo Sync function adjusts the speed of the LFO. If any Sync note is selected, the LFO speed is adjusted according to the host application tempo and chosen sync value. If the Sync value is in Off position, then LFO speed is set to 0.1 Hz.
Modulation type switch is a 3-way switch with Chorus, Flanger and Phaser modes.
Modulation Intensity knob determines how much of the processed signal is added into the original signal.
Modulation Sync function adjusts the speed of the LFO. If any Sync note is selected, the LFO speed is adjusted according to the host application tempo and chosen sync value. If the Sync value is in Off position, then LFO speed is set to 0.1 Hz.
Delay type switch is a 3-way switch with Analog, Digital and Double modes. Those modes represent various delay colors and every mode has different stereo width when PingPong mode is activated. The Double mode is representing the legendary double-sound widening effect. When Double mode is selected, then Decay, PingPong and Sync controls are disabled.
Delay Decay knob determines the length of the delay.
PingPong button activates PingPong stereo mode. If this button is in OFF position, the delayed signal is positioned in the center of the stereo field.
Delay Intensity knob determines how much of the processed signal is added into the original signal.
Delay Sync function adjusts the speed of the LFO. If any Sync note is selected, the LFO speed is adjusted according to the host application tempo and chosen sync value. If the Sync value is in Off position, then LFO speed is set to 0.1 Hz.
Reverb type switch is a 3-way switch with Room, Spring and Plate modes. Those modes represent various reverb algorithms and different color and pre-delay settings.
Reverb Decay knob determines the length of the reverb.
Reverb Intensity knob determines how much of the processed signal is added into the original signal.
Reverb Color knob adjusts the color of the reverb for even more flexibility when searching for the perfect space for your electric guitar. The Color knob is ranging from -100 % (dark) through the 0 (flat) all the way up to the +100 % (Bright).
This is the mastering section of your tone.
Sometimes the tone needs some final touch. Some sweetness, fatness, tightness and smoothness.
Finalizer controls:
Enhancer knob adjusts the additive gain amount of 2nd order low shelf and high shelf filters. The filters are coupled and the range of the gain is from 0 dB to +10 dB. Low shelf filter is set at 500 Hz and the High shelf filter is set at 2k Hz.
Fat button is a wide peak boost with the center frequency set at 250 Hz.
Tight button is a combination of 4 subtractive EQ filters and a multiband compressor.
Smooth button represents a set of 2 smoothening EQ filters placed in the higher midrange frequencies.
Product Videos:
Check out the new ToneSpot Electric Pro and don't forget to try the Demo version!
Regular price is $99, but now for a limited time there is a special Introduction price $49.
Jarek Musil - product owner, producer, composer, musician and audio engineer